Adventures in a Blog



A Flying Adventure!

I know every day seems like it's National [insert obscure reference here] Day. But today is actually National Aviation Day! So this pilot's family was excited and decided to watch Planes this week!

I personally loved Disneybounding this week because I love the fact that I am basing my outfits on one of my favorite things in the world!

When Jared and Maddie first met, Jared was just starting out becoming a pilot. So most of our college days were spent at an airport. One semester, Jared had to fly a certain number of hours cross country to obtain a certain license. So we would go flying quite often to little airports all over Texas to build his hours. Once he got his license, he was a flight instructor and washed planes on the side. When the libraries were too crowded and we couldn't bear to be in our houses anymore, we did homework at the flying club. And right after Jared proposed, he took Maddie on a flight at night where we could see the stars.

After we were married we took a really special trip where we flew out to Big Bend, stopping at little airports along the way. It was at one of those small airports that we found out Jared had been hired on at Envoy. 

With all that said, small airports have a really special place in our heart. They also have a special place in our stomachs as most of these airports have AMAZING food. So for National Aviation Day, we headed out to our local small town airport and ate at one of our favorite places, The Beacon Cafe!

If you want to find a small airport near you, you should go to this AOPA site. Just put in your city, select "restaurant on field" and it will bring up small airfields near you that have eateries! Many people also leave reviews so you know whether or not it is worth your time!