Adventures in a Blog



Workout Wednesday 6.6.18

Welcome to another Workout Wednesday!

It's officially summer time!! I'm so happy and excited with all the fun activities that come with summer. Swimming, hammocking, bike riding...adventure in all shapes and forms!

With summer usually comes lots of travel. And this summer is shaping up to be no different! We are excited for all the places we want to go. But all this adventure does get in the way of my "workout schedule."

So the question is, how do you enjoy the travel while still meeting your fitness goals?

I think the first thing you have to do when preparing to workout while traveling is to figure out what your priorities are. For instance, I have a 10K coming up. So my priority is to make sure I'm hitting those "long runs." For me, getting in at least two running workouts a week is the bare minimum I am comfortable with while preparing for this race. I need one long run to build endurance and one run half of my long run to help keep my fitness up for the next long run.

Running is sometimes one of the best ways to see a new place too! There is definitely something to exploring your surroundings while on getting a workout in too!

Then for my other workouts, I like to try to find an active way to explore. Whether that be kayaking, swimming, hiking, biking, or walking I always feel better on trips when I have been moving rather than sitting. Recently we went on a bike ride around Lady Bird Lake while visiting Austin (which I will post about in the future). Not only was it gorgeous, but we got an amazing workout as well! It's much more fun to do a more functional workout than to be stuck in a gym in the hotel!

So I guess to sum everything up, I like to make sure I hit the minimum I need to meet my goals while traveling and be active in other ways while on the road. I don't like to stress out about "missing" workouts. So instead, I change my expectations and enjoy the adventure!

Do you guys have any tips for working out while on the road? Let me know in the comments!

Workouts this week:

  • Monday: Walk 
  • Tuesday: Abs workout
  • Wednesday: Run 3 miles + Waterpark Day
  • Thursday: Off
  • Friday: Run 4 miles
  • Saturday: Travel Day
  • Sunday: Off for the week